
Amazon FBA, How do I get my shipment from China?

Many sellers who sell products on the Amazon platform for the first time have encountered shipping issues. What are the shipping process and FBA fees and precautions for Chinese shipments to Amazon FBA?

Three kinds of delivery processes for express delivery to the US FBA:

1, straight delivery

Sellers can choose direct delivery from DHL, UPS, Fedex and other logistics providers. Generally speaking, for goods weighing more than 20kg, the price is still good, the aging is fast, and it is suitable for emergency replenishment.

Advantages: no need to make an appointment to enter the warehouse, fast.

Disadvantages: When using this shipping method, Amazon is not the main body of customs clearance, and is not responsible for customs clearance and tax payment. Sellers need to make their own declarations and customs prepayments, and contact local customs importers in advance. 2.FBA Air Freight

This method is provided by Amazon FBA, including air freight + local customs clearance + destination country delivery, the trinity, delivery at any time and at any time, the whole process includes tax to the door, the time limit for air freight will be longer, generally about 8-15 days, not suitable for delivery Urgent cargo.

Advantages: Moderate price and good timeliness, you can enjoy many benefits of Amazon.

Disadvantages: Generally, it is necessary to make an appointment for storage, which is relatively troublesome.

3.FBA shipping

Also provided by Amazon FBA, including shipping + local customs clearance + destination country delivery, the trinity, delivery at any time and delivery, but its full price does not include tax, and the time limit for shipping is particularly long. It usually takes more than one month and is not suitable for emergency Replenishment.

Pros: Cheap and enjoy many Amazon benefits.

Disadvantages: generally need to make an appointment for storage, the operation is more troublesome than express delivery, and the timeliness is poor.

Three parts of the FBA fee:

1. Order processing fee, which is charged according to the number of orders.

2. Packaging fee, which is charged according to the number of products.

3. Weight billing, which is first divided into corresponding size categories according to the length, width, and height of the product. Then, according to the unit price of the weight corresponding to this size category, and then charge according to the specific weight.

Express delivery to the United States FBA precautions: 1. Print the barcode (be sure to download the latest version of pdf to open). The American FBA barcode cannot be obscured, and the barcode cannot be folded. If there is a barcode on the outer packaging of the product, please cover the original barcode with the Amazon barcode. The outer packaging of the product must have the factory information, and please do not cover it with the barcode.

2. Print the packing list: at the end of the delivery of several large boxes, type a few packing lists and put them in the big box (if each product is shipped separately, do not open the original packaging, and let the courier bring the packing list Just go).

3. Label the shipment: send several large boxes and mark several shipments, and affix them to the side of the box (the barcode cannot be twisted).

4. Imported goods description: The outer packaging of imported goods must have the Chinese product name + Chinese dealer information: name, address, telephone. If the product has a shelf life, it must also have the shelf life information in Chinese: the production date, the shelf life, and the expiration date of the shelf life. And when it is required to enter the warehouse, the remaining time of the shelf life is greater than 2/3 of the total shelf life.

US Amazon FBA considerations

1. Packaging requirements: The actual weight of the FBA manifest cannot exceed 31 / KG (the weight limit for non-enterprise Amazon warehouses is 68KG), the length of one side exceeds 274cm, and the width × 2 + height × 2 + length is equal to or not more than 325cm. Amazon warehouse outer box must be posted with two incoming barcodes



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